viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015


·         SMmarket
inundar el mercado de algoto flood the market with sth
salir al mercadoto come on to the market
mercado bursátil
stock market
mercado cambiario
foreign exchange market
mercado cautivo
captive market
Mercado Común
Common Market
mercado de demanda
seller's market
mercado de dinero
money market
mercado de divisas
currency market, foreign exchange market
mercado de futuros
futures market
mercado de la vivienda
housing market
mercado de oferta
buyer's market
mercado de productos básicos
commodity market
mercado de signo favorable al comprador, mercado de compradores
buyer's market
mercado de signo favorable al vendedor, mercado de vendedores
seller's market
mercado de trabajo
labour o (EEUU) labor market
mercado de valores
stock market
mercado de viejo
flea market
mercado en alza   
bull market
mercado en baja   
bear market
mercado exterior   
foreign market, overseas market
mercado inmobiliario
property market
mercado interior  
domestic market
mercado laboral    
labour o (EEUU) labor market
mercado libre     
free market (de in) mercado mundialworld market
mercado nacional   
domestic market
mercado negro    
black market
mercado objetivo   
target market
mercado persa (Cono Sur)         
cut-price store
mercado único     
single market Collins Spanish Dictionary

Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

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